I still clearly remember you, Jojo...
You were such a cute but naughty dog...
Every time I had to give you extra food when you were trying to bully me...I really couldn't fight with you lol...
You like to block the gate when I was trying to go in or out from there...
I knew that you were smart...
You can actually protect yourself but why you left so early from this world???
I was really terrifying when I saw you lied on the floor,that time you were sicking...in a very serious condition...
I...I really felt so sad when I had been told that you left from our world...You left your mother at here and went to somewhere else in the heaven...
We cried for you...and you won't come back anymore...
You are my good doggie forever and ever...Peace to you Jojo...
And R.I.P to Ah Miu, my sister's friends' pet...
Hope that you can make friend with Jojo in the heaven there...
Jojo, please don't bully her ok?