Thursday, March 31, 2011


今天我和我的一位朋友说了那么的一句话: "你要拥有我有的东西,而我却没有你有的东西,其实都羡慕不来的...."

怎么说呢? Hmmm....
就是有时候我们都没有必要去羡慕别人拥有的东西,活得开心就好了...当然,可以得到我们要的东西的话那最好了,简直是求之不得吧~ 呵呵

一对情侣要怎样才能活得开心和幸福呢?对方常常送花?送礼物?吃饭逛街看电影?还是二十四个小时都在说"我爱你"?? 其实都不一定的,对吧? (没有在针对任何人与事物 LOL )

阿健就觉得只要对方的心里无时无刻都有着你的存在,无论在天涯或海角都会为你而感到快乐,伤心,愤怒或者是担心,那才是一对真正幸福快乐的情侣.... ( 如有不满意见,可以和我"钻研"一下 xD )


在这里和她说一句: 我爱你

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Thank You

Have been quite busy for these few days...Presentations and homework are seriously driving me crazy... Aikss

But thanks God, there is a girl who always support me, encourage me and make me happy...
She accompanies me when I feel sad, angry or even stress...
She is like spiritually staying beside me and overcome every problem together with me...

Thank you

and I Love You ♥

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Tired but Great Days

Yesterday ( Friday ) I went to Sushi Zanmai @ The Gardens to have a awesome dinner with my sisters them. The food was so delicious and tasty...

Surprisingly, I have eaten a lot of sushi but actually I don't like raw food too much. I think that maybe I was too hungry so I have put all the sushi into my mouth hahaha =D

"Same day in the month, same place, same type of food ( diff. Japanese restaurant ) but not enjoying with the same person..."---This made me felt regretful... Aiksss...

I also had a crazy night on that day... I went to my friend's house there for staying overnight...
What we did at there was playing computer for the whole night until 5a.m. early in the morning LOL

So bad there was no enough space for me and 1 of my friend to sleep..
So we 2 were just facing to the laptops until the Sun comes out hahaha..

But then luckily I got a place for me to sleep until noon..
I can't imagine that what will happen to me if I didn't sleep for 26 hours @@

And I heard a very nice song when I was sleeping...Share this to you guys now...BYE~~

Sunday, March 20, 2011



Sien 掉...

不过昨天 (星期六) 打羽毛球时都蛮 enjoy 的 =D

还有还有,星期五那天我都很开心--->和女朋友去看电影+走街 呵呵
还吃了我最爱的 McD Strawberry Sundae Cup

唉~很快的... FINAL EXAMINATION 就快要到了...
Trimester 3 也将要结束了...


Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I was so happy today because I received a GIFT from my girlfriend...

Btw, she has told me that we will go and find a nice one ( the gift that she gave me ) on this coming Friday but surprisingly she already bought and passed it to me haha...

Thank you =D

I find out that the weather for these few days is seriously freaking HOT especially in noon time...
Life without air-conditioner ( I mean in Malaysia ) is really suffer enough lol
So everyone please drink enough amount of water to avoid sick ( Is it drink enough of water can really prevent from sick? I just simply said haha )

And hope that my girlfriend, my family members and all my friends always be healthy...

Monday, March 14, 2011

LOVE........of us

Really thanks to God that gift me such a good lover =)

No matter what will happen in the future, my heart will always be with her, try my every best way
to take care of her, protect her and cherish her, my love one....

We just talked about a topic about 2012 (end of the world)....

Although I do not much believe in this case but this is a quite sad topic.
If this is true, we couldn't do anything but appreciate each other before the world is being destroyed, dedicate the best one to each other as well.

It's really grateful to own her...

I appreciate her a lot, as what she said to me too

So let us hold each other hands and ride out the storm...


Sunday, March 13, 2011


几天前,日本发生了一场大浩劫...那 8.9 级的地震就这样毁了日本...

最近在 FACEBOOK 里看到一些有关世界末日的文章...有的说是在即将来临的五月二十一号,而多数的则说 2012 年世界末日是真的...


不过仔细想想,情人都会有自己的家人咯 呵呵 =P
