Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Time flies!!! lol

Oh the time flies so fast..
It's going to the mid of July and soon I will go for 2 marathon competitions in the next 2 coming weeks...I am seriously nervous with them but what to do? I feel so lazy to train myself sometimes.. =.=~!

The most important thing isn't win or lose but is the experience that I could get from the competitions right??

Yesterday I went to MV with Ah Siang again but this time was a little bit different because we went to the media conference of Arsenal.. Yes, some players of Arsenal went to the Nike shop of MV...
I saw few players but actually I know 2 only among them who are Theo Walcott and Bacary Sagna LOL...
There were so freaking a lot of people..You know,you can only see the hands which holding cameras are raising up when the stars arrive haha..

And after that we went to watch the Transformers 3... Well I can only comment that the T2 is much nicer than the T3... Looking forward to the last episode of Harry Potter... =)

Oh no...the feeling of HOME SICK comes back.. I miss my home so much, yeah and the food too!!
So bad I couldn't go back to Kemaman 1st for a period because of my job...
Earn money 1st!!!! Muahaha..

Hmmm...Let's talk something about Bersih 2.0 ...
These few days there have been a lot of news and videos posted in Facebook...
And most of them are talking about the bad side of our government!!!
I feel so sad yet angry after I read and saw those posts.. My heart is fulled with disappointment to our Malaysia government!!!
How come the leaders of our government could do such things to treat our citizens?? Why?!
They are willing to do anything just to cover up their faults and defend their own postion too!!
I can't imagine that what will happen to our lovely Malaysia after few years more..
I worry that our country will face to bankruptcy, fulled with corruptions everywhere and fall behind a lot of countries in Asia...actually these problems are already existing.. =(

So are we willing to let our country goes like this way?
Malaysia, a country which fulled with natural resources and faced less natural disasters or even not considered as located in a dangerous zone in this world,but may face bankruptcy in 2019? Wow that's funny...
So where the money of citizens has gone? Everyone know...
But do they know how to correct these problems?? Glad that more people are getting to know how... Our government is useless!!!

I couldn't tell more about Bersih 2.0 because I didn't attend to the demonstration..( feel so guilty with it, I couldn't do much thing for my lovely country )

But definitely, I say, this is a very great demonstration in the history of Malaysia..
People unite together to speak out what they hope to get from the government...The eight terms for the correction of the voting system...
Unfortunately, what they get from that? Tear gas and water cannon.. Violence from the "strong" side to the weaponless citizens...God, this is so unfair!!!
How come the government treats the citizens in this way??? This is a democracy country, people have the freedom to speak out their ideas and view in their minds as long as the words are not harming to any side anyone right???

But what the government thinks??
You criticize them, you break the "law"...
You say anything that they don't like to listen, you will get the "reward" from them...
You want to make everything is fair, you couldn't!! Because there is a thing called "DIRTY"!

Can we still trust to our current leaders of this country?
You may but I will definitely won't!!! Screw them!! XXXX

The next General Election will be coming soon... Please larhh BN, don't win the regime by using dirty ways... So many years already, don't you feel tired in cheating?

God bless our country...

Friday, July 8, 2011


Yea, due to the 709, he had been stuck in the traffic jam for almost 3hrs.
Even just for a 30mins journey !!!
Driving with the speed of 5km/h ??
hmm, he is listening songs. The ONLY thing he can do for the moment.
Especially in the car alone..... >>>>>.<<<<<
At the beginning, should'nt step out from the house~
How long does he neeeeeed to reach home? Waiting ...
Btw, satisfy as long as he can reach home. ..

She is waiting too ,together.. :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

政治 与 国家

今天在 UTAR 和两位朋友坐在电脑室里...
无所事事的,就开面子书来看一看,读一些关于 Bersih 2.0 的新闻 lol


朋友 A:This 阿健 memang suka politic punyer...can be the future MCA

我 :MCA?打死我都不进 MCA 啊~loll

朋友 B:阿健 can be our future PM ahh

我 :PM??要 potong 的 wor..loll

朋友 B:哎呀,泰国都可以有第一个女首相,你也可以成为第一个不用割的首相的...


最近都在关注 Bersih 2.0 的新闻...
1) 支持游行!!!要求国政政府保证大选投票是干净的.
3)不可以穿黄色衣服!!!免得被警察抓!! LOL


还是真真的,问心无愧地害怕游行会带来极大的损失??(旅游业 etc.)


不管这个游行(如果在体育馆里的话就应该不叫游行了吧 lol)成不成功,我只希望来届大选可以很公正的,让人民们投票选出他们想要的政府!!

人们不再被分为马来人,华人,印度人 etc,因为我们都是真真的马来西亚人!!

这样的马来西亚才可以达到真真的 Wawasan 2020!!!!
Satu Malaysia 也不是让那些无谓的高官随便说说的,包括那个"发明"这 Slogan 的先生...

加油 Bersih 2.0!!!

*有任何意见的话可以来和我分享分享. =)